Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday Roller Call

Every Wednesday at the Roller Odyssey on Rte 99 in Medford, the Skatekeyteers join up with each other to roll together. Non competitive, led by Bella Daunting - Deadly Night Skate, this is just for fun. Meet other skaters, get some exercise. No hitting, fighting, ... none of that stuff. Just fun for about an hour to an hour and a half.

This is a new blog for the Skataekeyteers. Talk together. Roll together. Sit together at the rink to watch the actual competitions. The Spring League of the Southern Oregon Derby Queens begins in late March.

Feel free to add your own comments here. Make suggestions. Talk to one another in a different way than just email........


  1. OK. So we skate from about 2:15pm to about 3:45pm


  2. Wednesday, yesterday, was great! There's nothing quite like gliding in counter-clockwise circles for an hour and a half in a retro rink blasting golden oldies and the occasional top 40 radio rap. I especially appreciated learning how to fall on my @ss, thank you Bella! I have done so much of that in my life, metaphorically, that it was a cinch to do it physically! Tip from BellaDaunting: just go for one cheek, USE YOUR CORE, and never put your hands down on the floor, lest someone skate over it! See you next Weds- cheap thrills, no spills-
